Our community members frequently ask about the listing of Banker (BNK) token on external exchanges. Today, we have great news! Bankera has finalized an agreement with one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges, HitBTC. It means that BNK tokens will be listed on the HitBTC exchange.
HitBTC is a global innovative trading platform that has been operating since 2013 with multi-currency support. BNK tokens will be the latest addition to their broad selection of around 450 different cryptocurrency pairs. Now, our community members can be sure that they will be able to exchange BNK tokens on at least three exchanges: SpectroCoin, Bankera’s exchange, and HitBTC. More options will be introduced in the near future.
We will soon update you on the dates of the BNK listing and provide more information about token trading on HitBTC. So, stay tuned to our official channels for Bankera’s latest updates!