Become a Bankera Exchange Bounty Hunter

We value the security of our users the most – that is why we are focused on improving the safety of Bankera Exchange every day. Although our team of experts is constantly testing the platform and searching for any bugs or vulnerabilities that might occur, we understand there might still be some we have overlooked. Thus, we have decided to launch a bug bounty program, providing our users with an opportunity to gain rewards by helping us locate possible bugs.

Partcipate in Bankera Exchange bug bounty

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Monthly Update: Bankera Exchange Release and Development Plans

2019 started with a significant milestone for Bankera’s community –the official launch of Bankera Exchange, our very own trading platform. As the first month of the new year is coming to a close, we would like to present you the latest developments completed on the exchange and take a look at the upcoming updates.

Bankera Update: January 2019

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