In this new video, Bankera‘s VP for Communication Tse-Hsin Lu interviews Karolis, Front-End Developer, about his work experience on Bankera and its MVP, SpectroCoin.
In case you missed the video, you can check it down below:
If you prefer reading it, we have prepared the video transcript for you as well.
Can you briefly introduce yourself and what are your main responsibilities at Bankera?
My name is Karolis and I am a front-end developer at Bankera and SpectroCoin. My main responsibilities include building a fast, reliable and a pleasant to use web application. Before joining the Bankera team, I worked on several social networks and real estate companies in Scotland, which is also where I got a degree in Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering.
What led you to work in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry?
Well, I think blockchain industry is one of the frontiers of change. There is a lot of unknowns in the industry, and one has to use a lot of experience from other fields when making decisions because there is no book, as such, to follow. At the same time, certain concepts, like a bank for Bankera, come from a time way before blockchain was a thing. So connecting the two, merging them, and making them work seamlessly is an interesting challenge.
From your experience, what separates our MVP, SpectroCoin, from other cryptocurrency exchanges?
SpectroCoin is a one-stop solution for all things cryptocurrency. And two things both: The aim and the success of doing that so far is quite unique. It is also an interesting technical challenge to make all the systems integrate well. The success of doing that and the convenience for the user is what sets SpectroCoin apart from the competitors.
What features are you working on now?
Well, the way web applications work and what users expect from them has changed quite dramatically in the last several years. Many people are using internet on the go, on many different devices and in many different environments. Since SpectroCoin and Bankera are global brands, we even have users using them on very slow and unreliable connections. And, even so, they expect it to work. Many applications, and I am not only talking about finance ones, let’s say, Facebook, Instagram or email. They work even when they are offline and then intelligently synchronize the background. So, my main aim is to push our technology to this level of convenience. And because reliability and trustworthiness is a top priority at SpectroCoin, it is not a trivial task to do. And then there is, obviously, a lot of development effort to be spent on Bankera, to make it convenient to use.
We hope you enjoyed meeting another Bankera team member. Stay tuned to our channels, we still have more to come.
Bankera’s ICO is live and you can still join it on SpectroCoin if you have not. The sale ends on 1st of March, 12 AM GMT.